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Happy Western Australia Day weekend! Also...a very happy Platinum Anniversary to the Queen!

Hola Perthlings,

Having caught some of the amazing pomp and ceremony of The Trooping of the Colour on the TV over the weekend, I thought it a fabulous theme for this weeks' update! Our awesome team on the ground nominated too many "pick of the best" this week to feature them all so I've whittled it down to the most colourful!

The bay of warm hues, a plethora of shades from deep burgundy to vibrant pink broadleaf spires can only be the gorgeous Cordyline Fruticosa Rubra adding a touch of the tropics in the attached photo. A fabulous contrast plant with a big mass-planting impact, loves full or part shade, free draining soil and regular watering until well established which can take 2 to 3 months. When established in the ideal spot these beauties can reach 1 to 2 meters in height and up to half a meter in width!

Oh my goodness, this is my absolute favourite at the moment, Leptospermum Nanum Rubrum aka Dwarf Red Tea Tree! Even when not in bloom the dark burgundy structure and foliage of this stunning evergreen native is a great contrast in the garden or landscape but when in full bloom KAPOW!!! The brilliance and depth of colour from these incredible blooms must surely be visible via satellite! Being a robust native it's hardy and waterwise, needs full sun and rewards us with multitudinous vibrant little red blooms in Winter and Spring, a real treat to see wherever it may be and a gift to our little beneficial bugs, bees and birds! In the best habitat this glorious gift from nature can attain a very user-friendly size of 1m high by 1m wide.

Next we have a clever little clumper, perfectly purple and popular for borders, pots, under planting, rockeries...the list goes on! Its contrasting colour foliage of deep purple and green makes it a striking feature plant, yes, the little plant with a list of names bigger than itself, Rhoeo Spathacea! Also known as Moses-in-the-cradle, Spiderwort, Tradescantia Discolor, Boat Lily, Rhoeo Discolor, Ephemerum Bicolor, Tradescantia Versicolor is pretty hardy and will do well in full sun or part shade, prefers well draining soil rich in organic goodies and when established is fairly drought hardy, in fact, over-watering along with frost are this little beauty's nemeses (yes, that is the plural of nemesis, but I had to Google to be sure)! Those who know the Tradescantia family may be cautious of their usual invasive growth habit, but whilst this little clumping relative is happy to spread out to a meter wide in the perfect conditions he is definitely not invasive but fills a gap nicely and can be easily split to keep its size down if desired.

Lastly, at risk of repeating myself, I had to include the cutest photobomber! I know we shouted out about our awesome range of Roo Paws last week, but who could resist Nessie's cute paws rounding up this roaming Roo Paw for us (obviously straying from its bay)! Great job Nessie!

All the best and enjoy your extra day of rest! Jo Joanne Hughes Wanneroo Plant Farm Ph: 08 9405 2615


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183 Dundebar Rd
Wanneroo, 6065

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