Winter's waning!

A wondrous weekend to you all😊
Can you guys believe that next weekend heralds the onset of SEPTEMBER?!! Yikes! Yes, I kid you not! So best start our Christmas shopping soon aye! (Now, now, please don’t throw that at me lol!)!😊 Joking apart though, I was just thinking I’d best get the staff Chrissy meal booked before all the good places go!
So now I’ve made you all grumpy I’d best get on with it and leave you in peace to have a lovely, silent night (sorry couldn’t help myself) 😊
Whilst we’re still in burn-off and bonfire season our first photo is Crassula Bonfire looking sizzling hot and ready to put the heat into any bed, border or bowl, hot on its heels is a firm contender to be the next pot with potential in our Fragrance Range! The Jasmine Nitidum is so easy on the eyeballs every month of the year, it doesn’t seem to truly object to any season and never fails to provide those trademark little white delights, petite posies of perfume, fine flowers full of fragrance that will follow forthwith.
Having planted the seed of fabulous flowers firmly in mind who can walk past the Polygala Mini Gala 130mm a diminutive delight! Rhaphiolepis Cosmic Pink is a pot full of perfectly pink pretty petals just now and don’t miss the Kennedia Nigricans 130mms boldly budding forth ready to creep into your hearts!
Ok, well I’m off to get a drop on all those Christmas Cards to go across the miles, lol…not saying the postal service is slow but let’s just say they get a little overwhelmed, every year! <wink> 😊
Oh, my goodness…have a wicked last week of Winter all! 😊
Best wishes
Wanneroo Plant Farm
Ph: 9405 2615