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Mothers' Day Part 2...coz she's worth it!

Happy Friday Perfect Perthlings! 😊

Another week has evaporated in a blink of an eye and brought us closer to the shortest day, coldest night and Mother’s Day! Last week I took the easy way out and bombarded you with beautiful photos as there were simply too many gorgeous piccies to choose from and one wonderful fellow plant person, animal lover and valued client voiced their disappointment at the lack of mindless gibberish that I usually subject you lovely people to when trying to view our stock update, they will remain nameless to protect their anonymity but they know who they are and rest assured my friend I will pay you later! <wink wink>!

So on with the mindless meanderings, may it be useful to at least one kindred spirit out there 😊

“Through Autumns golden gown we used to kick our way… we always loved this time of year…” Brilliantly put by the Moody Blues back when Noah was a lad but our first gorgeous photo has to typify the golden glow of Autumn those Moody boys were trying to paint a picture of in our minds, Fraxinus Griffithii (try saying that after a couple of pints of Scrumpy)! These bad boys are in 400mm pots so create a bit of an instant presence wherever they may be situated!

As our first photo may have grabbed the attention of the more Landscapery type of Perthling amongst you guys the next two photies will surely have your imagination running riot! Our native plants are just loving these cooler months and are queuing up to pose for you this week; Thryptomene Payne, Grevillea Gin Gin Gem, Lomandra Lime Tuff, Leptospermum Julie Anne, Chamelaucium Purple Pride, Westringia Fruiticosa! Six natives, six different growth habits and 6 very different and delightful looks for your native planting creativity to run riot with! Love it!

OK, so I know I banged on about Mothers’ Day last week but let’s face it, well, she is your Mum and without her you wouldn’t be here now! So make the most of this one day to show her how much you care and the everlasting gift of a beautiful plant will remind her of you for far longer than flowers or choccies, although my hips and thighs are a permanent reminder of just how grateful my beautiful kids have been over the years so in that respect I do think of every single choccie they ever showed their appreciation with, every day of the year! Anyway we got some very special Mothers’ Day tags to save you all the expense of gift wrap so the tall, dark and handsome Philodendron Rojo Congo and the delightful green, frondiness (surely it’s a word isn’t it…) of the Parlour Palm represent super easy-care, calorie-free indoor gift options or if your marvellous Mum is a keen gardener you can light up her day with a choice of season from the colourful, Seasonal Succulent Assortment you don’t have to buy Autumn just coz it is! Actually; buy all 4 and an amazing bowl to let her creativity spill over while you frazzle up some divine bacon and eggs! What a winning recipe for a great Mothers’ Day that would be!

Have a great week peeps, take care.

Best Wishes


PA to Rod and Em

Wanneroo Plant Farm

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