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Weekly Update 19/04/19

Happy Easter Perthlings! :)

Such an eggciting weekend ahead for all the youngsters out there, looking forward to scoffing their way through a tonne of choccie eggs after a hard morning of hunting them down in the garden (weather allowing of course)! Probably an awesome family barbecue, friends around for a long awaited catch up etc., special times for everyone I hope! So much time is spent rushing around trying to fit too much into our busy lifestyles we all end up exhausted and out of touch with those who are dearest to us, so this amazing long weekend should be treasured and relished by all, no matter how you choose to spend it be sure to enjoy it!

Tangent…I was listening to the radio on my way into work the other morning only to hear they’re planning to make a prequel to the all-time great movie (of my generation anyway lol) Grease! I was intrigued when they said it would cover the period over the summer holidays when Sandy meets Danny for the first time, whilst they’re both on holiday with family, a brief-ish encounter only eluded to in the unforgettable song (sing along with me here guys…) Summer Nights! Such an earworm of a song, bet you’ll all be humming it all weekend now …sorry! Tell me more, tell me more, I hear you cry! Anyhow, I for one will be waiting with baited breath to see if the make-up artists will be up to the challenge of transforming Olivia and John back into their glamorous teenage selves! They wouldn’t dare try to cast anyone else for the parts and ruin the sacred institution surely?! What has all this waffle got to do with plants, I hear you say? Well, my poor family will attest to my life-long problem with song association, I remember my youngest, in her late teens at the time, shooting me down in flames with “Oh for goodness sake Mother, life is not a musical you know!” when I burst into an off-key version of a Cold Chisel classic when asked what the family plans were for Saturday evening! This is one of those I’m afraid…yup, you guessed it Olivia Neutron Bomb’s classic earworm of a song Xanadu!

What a really long-winded segway that was, sorry! Our Philodendron Xanadu are absolutely stunning right now and with all the focus on shade-loving or indoor plants at the moment, especially the many different varieties of Philo not previously available in WA helping to bring attention to the previously available but possibly forgotten varieties! These beauties should have a song written in their honour lol! The attached photo of one of the full bays is pure plant porn to me hehe! They are just flying out of the shade house as we’re enjoying repeated orders for them, so be quick, they would make a great Mother’s Day gift idea too! On the Mother’s Day theme but also with all the extra cooking in mind these next couple of public holiday-filled weeks, we usually get an Australia-wide advertising campaign reminding us to enjoy a delicious lamb chop or two…so we are going to need Rosemary! We have the perfect Rosemary for the job , Officianalis, delicate in texture and flavour but big in stature as it fills it’s 200mm pot ready for your culinary delight! Great for pot planting, boarders, bed and low hedging, perfect for cottage garden ambiance too!

Finally, I just want to end in a flurry of flowers with the beautiful Grevillea Gilt Dragon and the delightful Dwarf Pink Nerium Oleander to put a very pretty end to my ridiculous rabbiting (trying to end on the Easter Bunny theme there, pointing it out as may have been a tad too subtle lol)!

Have an eggcellent Easter my lovely plant people, I’m off to ponder which end of my Lindt choccie bunny gets munched first!

Best wishes


PA to R & E Servaas


Phone: 08 9405 2615

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